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Tag: shoplifting

rite aid asset protection

The Rite Aid Asset Protection Team Reveals Details about Its Valuable Investigation Tool

One day in October of 2017, a man of medium build entered a Rite Aid in one of the nation’s largest cities, approached the register, and demanded cash. As the drawer was being opened, the subject flung himself over the counter, grabbing whatever cash he could.

Gangs Receive 240-Count Indictment; Implicated in Statewide $1M Fraud Scheme

The California Department of Justice announced Monday it has secured a 240-count indictment against members of two East Contra Costa County street gangs that...
shoplifting ring

Could a Shoplifting Ring Be Tied to Human Trafficking?

What happens when the criminal behavior of a shoplifting ring is actually connected to something even more ominous than a high shrink rate? What about when it's tied to modern slavery?
Electronic Article Surveillance Source Tagging, eas tag

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Source Tagging: 20+ Years of Innovation

Every so often, a simple idea catches the imagination, fervor, and engagement of a group of people and is developed into a successful practice that revolutionizes a business. Electronic article surveillance (EAS) source tagging is definitely one of those.
active shooter policy, violence prevention strategies, threat management unit

Shoplifter Attempts to Shoot a Shopper Trying to Stop Him

A Georgia man shoplifting $1,800 worth of merchandise from Home Depot pointed a gun at bystanders trying to stop him and tried to shoot...

WATCH: 4 Wanted after SUV Rams through Wall, Items Stolen

Detroit police are searching for four men who used an SUV to ram through a wall and stole items from a liquor store on...
ORC Theft

ORC Theft Trends and Impact

A more effective way to attack this type of theft is to bring together retailers and law enforcement resources in order to share trends and case details.
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