Tag: shoplifting
Deputy Injured in Pursuit: Three Suspects Arrested for Retail Fraud
A Newaygo County Sheriff’s deputy is expected to be okay after his cruiser collided with a suspect’s vehicle just after 4 p.m. Tuesday. Officers...
VIDEO: Dash Cam Video of Deadly Crash
This is an update and newly released video of a story that we brought you in Tuesday’s Insider. A note of warning… some may...
People Who Steal: Revealing Quotes from Offender Interviews
The Loss Prevention Research Council conducts more than 100 in-person interviews with active shoplifters each year. Much of what they say pertains to whether they see/get/fear a particular theft deterrent.
Sweethearting: The Dark Side of Good Customer Service
One of the most commonly held principles of shrinkage reduction, especially for shoplifting deterrence, is achieved by giving good customer service. This idea is...
Man Killed in Crash Was Shoplifting Suspect Fleeing Police; Baby also Injured
The man killed after hitting a garbage truck in Parma, Ohio, early Monday was a shoplifting suspect fleeing police, according to authorities. There were...
How to Increase Traffic Without Compromising Retail Store Security
The 21st century posed a major conundrum for the retailers: how to fight online competition and improve brick-and-mortar store performance, and how to increase...