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Tag: shoplifting

Criminological Theory and Loss Prevention

This post is designed to provide a theoretical context for understanding the psychological and social forces that drive people to become criminals, how criminogenic opportunities can be reduced, as well as where analytics fits into loss prevention.

Killed over shoplifting? ‘Disturbing’ Video Shows Store Owner Fatally Shooting Alleged Thief

"Disturbing" video footage was released by Florida police investigating a fatal shooting of a suspected shoplifter by a store owner who is also a...
security lawsuit

A Security Lawsuit Is a Legal Landmine

Nine seconds after three armed men entered a convenience store in Rochester, NY, one of them shot security guard Brian Brown in the face. “Thirty-six pellets went into my eye, the rest went into my head,” he told local WHAM 13 News. “They’re still in there.”
active threat response

Alleged Shoplift-Carjack Spree Sends Duo to Jail

A duo accused of attempting to carjack two vehicles while fleeing from the Walmart  loss prevention team in Lakewood, Colorado, are scheduled to appear...
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