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Tag: shoplifters

what is a loss prevention manager

What Is a Loss Prevention Manager?

To the average consumer, a loss prevention manager might once have been perceived as a “security guard”: a reactionary presence in a retail establishment whose primary responsibility is to apprehend shoplifters.
Shoplifter Shoplifting and theft

To Stop or Not to Stop the Shoplifter: Is This Still a Question?

Am I sure that he is attempting to steal this merchandise? "Yes, I am sure."
how to manage inventory

How to Manage Inventory: Shrink Visibility

At a time when store margins are under intense competitive pressure, retail shrink can make or break a retailer's bottom line. But retail shrink numbers are vulnerable to blind spots and imprecise metrics.
loss prevention executive

How to Sell Your Proposal to a Senior Loss Prevention Executive

While it would be impossible to give an exact formula for success in every company and project, it is reasonable to explore a framework that can be used to increase our chance at getting our proposal approved and implemented.
retail shoplifting policies and procedures, company security policy

Retail Shoplifting Policies and Procedures

For this benchmarking survey, the authors looked at how some of the biggest retailers in the US are experiencing shoplifting, violence associated with these incidents, and the shoplifting policies and procedures put in place to manage these issues.
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