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Tag: shoplifter

Asset Protection Professional and Mall Security Guard Shot by Alleged Shoplifter in Los Angeles

An AP professional for Target and an armed security officer at a downtown LA shopping plaza were shot by an alleged shoplifter this week after the suspect attempted to make off with stolen merchandise from the store.

New Survey Shows More Than 1 in 5 Americans Have Shoplifted

23 percent of Americans have shoplifted, according to the latest LendingTree survey of 2,000 US consumers—and 90 percent of recent shoplifters say they were motivated to do so because of inflation and the current economy.

What Does a Shoplifter Look Like?

What does a shoplifter look like? This frequently asked question is one that can lead to a mountain of concerns in the retail environment, but it is essential to address with both our store employees and loss prevention teams.

Exactly What Is a Shoplifter and How Much Do You Know?

The crime of shoplifting is as old as shopping itself. The first documented cases of shoplifting took place in 16th-century London and involved groups of men called “lifters” (early organized retail crime?).
retail theft statistics

Shedding Light on Retail Theft Statistics

The NRSS indicates that shoplifting accounted for 35.7 percent of the reported shrink in 2017, which is down from 39.3 percent in 2016.
shoplifter at work, how to catch someone stealing

How to Catch Someone Stealing without the Use of Excessive Force

More than lecture, video, or online instruction and pen-and-pencil testing, situational exercises or scenario training provides supervisors with a picture of how ready an officer is to handle an event.
shoplifting and theft

Prevent Shoplifting and Theft with…Music?

In one experiment, Barry Manilow music was broadcast through loudspeakers located in a local parking lot every night between 9 pm and midnight on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
workplace theft prevention

The Moral, Societal, and Legal Obligation for Workplace Theft Prevention

At first, this may seem like an issue that involves only the retailer. However, the decision to ignore generally accepted cash and merchandise controls has far-reaching implications.
iPhone apps smartphone

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up – March 2018

The notorious Mexican drug kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was convicted on ten separate federal counts, including narcotics trafficking.
police gun uniform shooting

Alleged Shoplifter Stabs Uniformed Guard, Gets Shot… Twice

A uniformed security officer and a shoplifter both continue to recover after a violent confrontation outside a Tennessee  Walgreens Thursday morning. According to Metro...
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