Tag: security equipment
Let’s “Talk Trash” – How Loss Prevention Is Helping Communities
In the multi-billion dollar thrift store industry, donations of merchandise can be a loss prevention nightmare.
Premises Security Liability: Here’s Why Reasoned Behavior Trumps Perfection
The odds are stacked heavily against any organization that does not take necessary premises security procedures to protect their employees, customers, and others.
Physical Security Threats and Vulnerabilities
Learn what physical security threats and vulnerabilities your devices might be exposed to, and then learn how to harden those technologies against them.
A Retailer’s Guide to Dealing with Antisocial Behavior
Common flashpoints for retail conflict and violence include confronting suspected thieves, refusing sales, and dealing with antisocial behavior. Nothing new here, but the prevalence of each appears to be increasing.
How Do You Calculate ROI in Retail?
At some point in your retail loss prevention career, if you haven’t done so already, you will be called upon to help make procurement decisions on new technology, such as electronic article surveillance (EAS) or video surveillance.
Shoplifting Response, Reaction, and Recourse
Since the earliest days of organized retail, there has been a recognition of the unique exposure that retailers have to crime and loss. We...
Pilot Testing Security Systems for Retail Stores: 4 Best Practices
According to a survey by SDR/LPM, loss prevention executives are more likely than security counterparts in other industries to believe that a pilot study or field test is an effective way to show senior management that a project is a good idea.
Safely into the Night
After hearing loss prevention leaders describe recent efforts to enhance the security of their stores after closing, it becomes immediately clear that the long,...
How to Build an Effective Relationship with Your Third-Party Logistics Provider
Loss prevention must provide effective oversight in order to keep these operations effective and productive. Here are a few things to consider when building an effective relationship with the third-party logistics provider.