Tag: rf tracking
Working in Loss Prevention Alongside Law Enforcement: Can It Be Done?
For years, there have been those who have questioned whether retail loss prevention and law enforcement can effectively work in partnership with one another. Professionals working in loss prevention have often felt that law enforcement was unconcerned about helping them with their business.
How NOT to Investigate Organized Retail Crime
This post's findings are the result of more than thirty retail and law enforcement interviews expressly asking for opinions and thoughts on investigating ORC. It's from the archives, but its advice is timeless.
Shoplifting Methods and Designing Out Crime
Booster bags, or so-called “magic bags,” continue to be one of the more popular shoplifting methods used by professional thieves. These foil-lined carriers work...
Exactly What Is a Shoplifter and How Much Do You Know?
When asked “What is a shoplifter?”, most readers of the LPM Insider probably have a pretty good idea of how to respond. I do...
Losses and Costs Associated with UK Grocery Store Magazines and Newspapers
We are all familiar with use of the word “shrinkage” to describe the losses experienced by retailers, although it is impossible to find any...
Does Concealment = Shoplifting?
It is a common misbelief among shoplifters that an individual must exit the store with unpurchased merchandise before being civilly liable for statutory civil...
Flash Mob Robbery and the Retail Threat
What started out a few years ago as a phenomenon that used social networking sites to gather a group of people in a public...
How Do You Calculate ROI in Retail?
At some point in your retail loss prevention career, if you haven’t done so already, you will be called upon to help make procurement decisions on...
Case Preparation: The Key to Successful Shoplifter Prosecutions
The loss prevention associate finally caught them red-handed. For three months, he had been trying to catch these shoplifters in the act. This time,...
How to Land Jobs in Loss Prevention
Whether you’re starting a new career or just getting out of school, your search for jobs in loss prevention might be more successful if...