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Tag: retail

ISC West 2022 Shows Security’s Expanding Focus on Retail

Three years after the last regularly scheduled ISC West, the massive physical security conference returned to Las Vegas last week, March 22-25, bigger and better than ever.

Then and Now: The Surprising Start of Your Favorite Retail Formats and Technologies

Today’s barcode started out as a finger drawing on Miami Beach by inventor John Woodland in the late 1940s. The inspiration was a frustrated supermarket manager.

Annual Retail Sales Predicted to Grow 6-8 Percent

The National Retail Federation issued its annual forecast, anticipating that retail sales will grow between 6 percent and 8 percent to more than $4.86 trillion in 2022.
Tony D'Onofrio

Prosegur’s Tony D’Onofrio on the Future of Retail

Tony D’Onofrio is the global CEO of Prosegur’s Global Retail Business, where he regularly engages with the world’s largest retailers to provide innovative and holistic security solutions.

Worldwide Smart Retail Industry Expected to Reach $51.48B by 2026

The global smart retail market is estimated to be $23.47 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $51.48 billion by 2026.

The IoT of Retail: Using RFID to Bring Down ORC

The digitization of retail is well underway, and RFID has played a key role in optimizing inventory, enabling omnichannel processes, and improving the customer experience.
self-checkout grocery

How Retail Disruption Impacts Loss Prevention Efforts

In a world where digital and physical retail are inextricably linked, how can retailers protect their inventories and people, but also offer exceptional customer experiences?

New Report Examining Retailers’ Return Policies Released

Returns accounted for 10.6 percent of retail trade in 2020, and totaled $428 billion. With increased ecommerce adoption across retail segments, returns are set to grow exponentially in 2022 and beyond.

Key Lessons from the Pandemic’s Amazon Effect

The e-commerce giant has expedited the closure of many retailers and threatens to redefine the standards of shopping in a digital world.

Weighing Protection Options as Frontal Assaults Grow

Retail establishments are re-examining protection options after a string of flash mobs and smash-and-grab attacks accompanied the start of the holiday shopping season.
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