Tag: retail theft
Security in Shopping Malls: 7 Tips for Law Enforcement
While some of the tools of organized retail crime and methods of operation continue to evolve with the changes in technology and dynamics of...
Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention, Part 3
Here we are at the third and final installment of the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine. I had indicated in the first...
LP Insider’s Top Five Shoplifting and ORC Articles of 2016
Does Concealment = Shoplifting?
In most states, intent is the driving factor in determining whether to charge a shoplifter.
It is a common misbelief among shoplifters...
Are Thefts by Senior Citizens Rivaling Juvenile Shoplifting?
For many years, the stereotype of the amateur shoplifter has been a juvenile shoplifting offender pilfering candy, makeup, and other minor items from retail...