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Tag: retail security device

security cameras

Evolving Security Cameras and Video Technology

In a recent series of aricles, Bill Turner, contributing writer, has looked at the evolution of loss prevention since the inception of LP Magazine...

Winning Loss Prevention

We always want to win, not just execute. In fact, we must win. When LP loses, life safety, brand image, and financial performance are...

People On the Move: July–August 2017

Andrew Chapman was named senior VP of sales at 3VR. Daniel Robles was promoted to senior AP investigator at Abercrombie & Fitch. Ryan Clevenger is now...
security cameras

An Update on Major Subjects Affecting Retail LP

After completing the three-part series on the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine, I promised to write an additional article that looks at...

People On the Move: May–June 2017

Brian Quast, CFI, was named national manager of LP at Ace Hardware. Greg Adams was named director of LP with A.C. Moore. Gloria Fausto-Figueroa and David...

Is It High Noon in the US Retail Industry?

Last week, GameStop became the latest retailer to announce a major round of store closures. Citing a 13.6 percent drop in sales last quarter,...

The Evolution of the Retail Loss Prevention Professional

What is the role of retail loss prevention? What may seem to be a simple question has grown increasingly more complicated as various functions,...
Sears asset protection

Building an Organization around Data and Technology

EDITORS NOTE: Scott Glenn, JD, LPC, is the chief security officer for Sears Holdings where he is responsible for asset and profit protection, safety...
Jack Trlica signature

Perspectives from Practitioners

We try to always write the articles in this magazine from the perspective of the loss prevention practitioner. Apart from the columns written by...

Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention, Part 2

Welcome to the second of three installments covering the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine. I hope you enjoyed the first part in...
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