Tag: retail sales
10 Common Characteristics of High-Shrink Stores
This article focuses on fundamental influences that can be managed regarding shrink, and common characteristics of a high shrink store.
CNBC/NRF Retail Monitor Shows Retail Sales Grew Again in August as Inflation Eased
Retail sales increased again in August as consumer demand and easing inflation overcame slower job growth, according to the CNBC/NRF Retail Monitor, released by the NRF.
US Online Retail Sales Projected to Climb to $1.2 Trillion in 2024
FTI Consulting is projecting that US online retail sales will reach $1.2 trillion in 2024, an increase of nearly 10 percent from last year, according to the firm’s 2024 Online Retail Report.
Census Says Retail Sales Grew Year Over Year in October But Growth Continued to...
Retail sales kept up a long streak of year-over-year gains in October even though the rate of growth continued to slow, finds NRF.
Retail Sales Grew in September, But Core Year-Over-Year Gains Are Slowing
Retail sales continued to grow in September even as consumers faced continuing economic pressures, according to the NRF.
Retail Sales Grew Again in August Despite Slowing Economy
Retail sales rose in August as school shopping began, even as inflation continued and interest rates remained high, the NRF said.
NRF Economist Says Economy Is Expanding But Momentum Is Slowing
The economy is still growing, but not as fast as it was earlier this year, according to NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz.
Retail Sales Rose Sharply in July Amid Major Brand Promotions
Retail sales reversed their downward trend in July as Prime Day and major promotions by other brands prompted increased shopping while wage increases gave consumers more money to spend.
Retail Sales Picked Up in January as Job and Wage Growth and Easing Inflation...
Retail sales bounced back strongly in January as inflation eased and income grew, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF).
Keep on Rockin’​ in the Retail World
The latest statistics on global retail sales, e-commerce, physical stores trends, consumer challenges, and headwinds.