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Tag: retail loss prevention

Loss Prevention Research Council Announces Exclusive Content for Membership on Point-of-Sale Activation Solution

The Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) has released a series of reports detailing a recent study on the impact of the Point-of-SaleA ctivation (PoSA)...

USS Reveals New F-117 Nighthawk Protection for Designer Eyewear

USS recently revealed its latest product development in eyewear protection, the F-117 Nighthawk Eyewear Tag. While there are eyewear-specific electronic article surveillance (EAS) products on...
video surveillance systems

Using Video Surveillance Systems to Perform Audits

Throughout my career in retail loss prevention, I’ve seen some pretty outrageous behavior captured by video surveillance systems. From performance and productivity issues –...

USS Foundation Annual Charity Golf Event Secures Record Sponsorship Levels

The USS Foundation has secured record sponsorship levels for its upcoming 9th Annual Charity Golf Tournament, scheduled for Sunday, June 25, 2017, at the...
security cameras

An Update on Major Subjects Affecting Retail LP

After completing the three-part series on the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine, I promised to write an additional article that looks at...

Emerging Technologies

In the second in a series of industry-focused benchmarking surveys, the authors present a few key findings from a new study of how some...

De-escalation Training Program Addresses Disruptive Behaviors

Addressing disruptive customer behavior and de-escalation training efforts has become a topic of great interest to retailers across the globe amidst growing concern over...
social engineering techniques

Combating Organized Retail Crime at Its Source (The Zellman Group)

Over the last twenty years, the retail industry has been in a constant uphill battle to remain profitable. From online resellers to social media,...

LPF Announces De-escalation Training Program, “Addressing Disruptive Behaviors – Essentials”

Addressing disruptive customer behavior and de-escalation training efforts has become a topic of great interest to retailers across the globe amid growing concern over...

USS Foundation To Host 9th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

The USS Foundation recently announced its plans to host its Ninth Annual Charity Golf Tournament, scheduled for Sunday, June 25, at the National Golf...
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