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Tag: point of sale pos

Can a Smart IP Video Solution Help You Solve Problems You Didn’t Know You...

LP executives often preside over two operations. First, there is the one you think you have—the losses you believe you suffer, the stores you suspect are problematic, and so on. Then, there is the operation that you see after deploying an enterprise IP video solution that ties into data streams such as point-of-sale (POS) systems.

Loss Prevention in the New Millennium

Loss Prevention magazine launched its first issue in the fall of 2001. I had the good fortune to contribute to that edition and author...
lp magazine

Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention

Based on another project, I have spent two months combing over every issue of Loss Prevention magazine. Being a reader from the very beginning...
March Networks Logo

March Networks Combines Video and RFID Data to Unlock Business Insights

March Networks®, a global provider of intelligent IP video solutions, is pleased to announce the integration of its powerful March Networks Searchlight™ for Retail...
Retail Channel Management

Redefining Retail Channel Management

As the retail industry evolves, traditional brick-and-mortar stores are becoming only a small piece of a multifaceted environment. Those shops that remain have begun...

Transitioning Analytics When Stores Become Showrooms

Retail is an ever-evolving landscape that loss prevention professionals have had to navigate over the course of time, and it is no different for...

Increase ROI and Uncover Issues through Video-Based Operations Audits

Sponsored by March Networks Throughout my career in retail loss prevention, I’ve seen some pretty outrageous behavior captured on surveillance video. From performance and productivity...

Data Analytics Pyramid

As loss prevention and asset protection practitioners, we are often asked to describe our jobs to others. In the old days, we could get...
mobile payments 2

Mobile Payment Systems and Connected Consumers

Much has been written over the past several years about the new connected consumer. Pressure on retailers may never be greater to deliver on...

Could Bitcoin Stave Off Credit Card Hackers?

The idea that an Internet currency could solve the credit card hacker epidemic may seem counterintuitive. After all, hacking is a product of the...
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