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Tag: point of sale pos

New Ways to Analyze SRAs Today Instead of Suffering Disappointing Shrink Figures Tomorrow

The retail industry is on the cusp of a transformation in its use of data to protect profits and to identify and overcome sales barriers. We’ve been here before.
retail technology trends

9 Emerging Retail Technology Trends You Need to Know

Loss prevention practitioners have a long track record of investing in a wide range of technologies to help control the various losses retailers experience....

How to Protect Retail Inventory This Holiday Season (Checkpoint)

This year’s holiday shopping season is expected to be strong, according to data released by the National Retail Federation (NRF). Retail sales during November...

5 Recent Cases of Retail Robbery and Theft—And the Safe Technology to Thwart Them

At any given time, even the most casual Google search for “retail robberies” will return pages and pages of recent news items—some recounting thieves’ success; others, their failure.
retail data analytics

Retail Data Analytics and LP

We find ourselves living in a time when nearly every decision we make is recorded. Where we drive, what we buy–all this data is...
data security best practices, physical security threats and vulnerabilities

Security’s Security

There may be no better symbol of the nation’s modern, high-tech military—not to mention US military might—as its fleet of predator drones. So it...

Controlling Shrink by Monitoring Sales-Reducing Activities (Appriss Retail)

Loss prevention departments have, for some time, successfully examined risk flags within point-of-sale (POS) transactions to identify exceptions that may indicate theft or loss....

March Networks and EZUniverse Announce Strategic Partnership and Launch of New Cloud-Based Video and...

March Networks® and EZUniverse® recently announced a strategic partnership and the launch of a new cloud-based video and retail data analytics service for the...

3xLOGIC Offers Enhanced Big Data Capabilities for Retail

3xLOGIC recently announced it is using Microsoft Azure to supercharge the performance of its cloud-based exception reporting platform, VIGIL Trends. 3xLOGIC uses Azure to...
access control definition

Access Control and the Case of the Missing Camera

When I first approached this writing assignment on access controls, I brainstormed the usual items on the topic. I realized quickly that a 3,000-word...
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