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Tag: partner

Axon Becomes the Newest Doctorate-Level LPF Partner

The Loss Prevention Foundation announced that Axon is the newest LPF doctorate-level partner. 

Industrial Security Solutions Announced as LPF Doctorate Level Partner

As a Doctorate level partner of the LPF, ISS is helping to elevate the loss prevention profession through higher standards and professional certification.

Axon Announced as Newest Bachelor Level Partner of LPF

The Bachelor level partnership allows Axon to provide LPQ and LPC certification course scholarships, as well as LPF memberships, to loss prevention industry professionals.

Qognify Becomes Bachelor Level Partner of LPF

Qognify is the Loss Prevention Foundation’s newest Bachelor Level Partner, allowing Qognify to provide LPQ and LPC certification course scholarships and LPF memberships.

Metro One Becomes Doctorate Level Partner of LPF

Metro One has been a longtime contributor and supporter of the LPF, and is continuing to set an example to the industry.
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