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Tag: ORC

shoplifting ring

Could a Shoplifting Ring Be Tied to Human Trafficking?

What happens when the criminal behavior of a shoplifting ring is actually connected to something even more ominous than a high shrink rate? What about when it's tied to modern slavery?
rite aid asset protection

The Rite Aid Asset Protection Team Reveals Details about Its Valuable Investigation Tool

One day in October of 2017, a man of medium build entered a Rite Aid in one of the nation’s largest cities, approached the register, and demanded cash. As the drawer was being opened, the subject flung himself over the counter, grabbing whatever cash he could.
WZ video tip

Interview and Interrogation Training: Advantages of the Telephone Interview

In the last few years, it seems that more and more organizations are conducting interviews remotely, whether that means over the phone or with the use of some type of videoconferencing tool.
ORC Theft

ORC Theft Trends and Impact

A more effective way to attack this type of theft is to bring together retailers and law enforcement resources in order to share trends and case details.
why do people steal

Why Do People Steal… And Does It Matter?

Why do people steal? LP looks at the opioid crisis as a driving motivator of theft and considers the many angles and approaches to the issue.
human trafficking

How ORC Fuels Human Trafficking

What comes to mind when you think of organized retail crime? High-shrink items with high-resell values, such as razors and baby formula - not human trafficking.

Retail ORC and Law Enforcement Investigators Gather in Atlanta for “Last” GRAORCA Conference

This week, nearly 400 LP investigators and their law enforcement partners from the greater Atlanta region met to network and hear multiple keynote speakers and retail case studies at the 8th annual Georgia Retail Association Organized Retail Crime Alliance (GRAORCA) conference.

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) Announces Profitect as Newest Bachelor Level Partner

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) has announced Profitect as its newest Bachelor-level scholarship partner.
shoplifting crime

How Store Environments Affect Shoplifting Crime

Here’s how one shoplifter assesses risk. “First things first—you want to know if they got what you want. The second factor is the risk involvement. The risk involvement will be security times cameras times employees times space times [other] customers."
gift card scams

Are Gift Card Scams Funding ORC?

As professionals in the retail space, it's our responsibility to keep up with the methods and tactics used by thieves when it comes to organized retail crime (ORC). These days, improving technologies equal potentially increased profits in the eyes of theft groups.
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