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Tag: online credit card fraud statistics

Organized Retail Crime: Overcoming Public Misperceptions

Editor’s Note: As 2015 draws to a close, LP Magazine is taking a look back at some of its top articles from the past...
retail return policy

Retailers Estimate Holiday Return Fraud Will Cost $2.2 Billion in 2015

Retail fraud comes in many shapes and sizes and is especially rampant during the holiday season when online and in-store traffic grows significantly. One...
Diversity Image

Diversity Management in Loss Prevention: Are We Keeping Pace?

The retail industry is built around diverse products, services, cultures, and customers as we continue to look for ways to meet the complex needs...

Calendar: November/December 2015

November 18-19, 2015 ISC East Javits Center, New York City January 17-20, 2016 National Retail Federation Big Show 2016 Jacob Javits Convention Center New York City March 1-3, 2016 Jewelers' Security Alliance 38th Annual...
identity theft protection

Stay Alert for Cyber Crime on Cyber Monday

The Monday after Thanksgiving has become known as the biggest online shopping day of the year, with companies offering discounts galore to entice customers....

NRF Return Fraud Survey Seeking Input from Retail Organizations

The National Retail Federation’s 10th annual Return Fraud Survey is currently under way, and we are looking for your participation to help provide the...

NRF Return Fraud Survey Seeking Input from Retailers

The National Retail Federation’s 10th annual Return Fraud Survey is currently under way, and we are looking for your participation to help provide the...
what is rfid solutions

Controversy Brewing over New Credit Card Chip Technology and Credit Card Fraud

Last week the FBI posted an online advisory about credit card chip technology and vulnerabilities with new chip-enabled credit cards that could potentially lead...

And Our Survey Says…

What do you think about the top issues facing loss prevention professionals or the retail industry in general? If you could change one aspect...

ISCPO Announces Newest Board of Directors Member

The ISCPO is pleased to announce the newest Board of Directors member, John Tabor. He is currently the vice president of supply chain support...
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