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Tag: lprc

Byron Smith Named Chairman of the International Supply Chain Protection Organization

The start of the new year brings about some exciting changes with ISCPO’s leadership and board of directors. Byron Smith, CFI, LPC, who has served...
organized retail crime associations

LPM Insider’s Top 5 Shoplifting and Organized Retail Crime Articles of 2018

In 2018, readers were most interested in posts about organized retail crime associations, offender perspectives on self-checkout theft, and the latest research on loss prevention analytics applications.
Consequences of shoplifting

Guilt is One of the Major Consequences of Shoplifting

While there are famous cases of psychopathic individuals committing crimes, the majority of criminals have a conscience that’s functioning just fine. Without deploying careful defense mechanisms, the cognitive dissonance caused by their guilt would eat them alive
rite aid asset protection

LPM Insider’s Top 5 Loss Prevention Technology Articles of 2018

In 2018, readers wanted to know more about Rite Aid's crowdsourcing investigations tool, the top (FREE) tools to help with social media investigations, and what it's like to find and buy EAS detachers online as a shoplifter, among other technology topics.

LPM Online’s December 2018 Issue Puts the Spotlight on Physical Security and Safety

From injury prevention to shoplifter apprehension risks, from facial recognition technology drawbacks to the operational implementation of omni-channel, the latest issue of LPM Online gives you the information you need to become a better industry pro.
asset protection at Walmart

LPM Insider’s Top 5 Loss Prevention Articles of 2018

In 2018, readers wanted to know more about Walmart asset protection, the roles of women in LP, and the life and legacy of Bob MacLea.
violent crime prevention

Violent Crime Prevention: Innovations from Anti-Violence Summits

Leveraging the Loss Prevention Research Council's (LPRC's) five zones of influence framework, many retailers implement solutions at each layer of the zones to reduce opportunities or incentives for violence.
why do people steal

Why Do People Steal? Examining the Robin Hood Complex

Interviewing active shoplifters is the most interesting part of my job. For an hour, I speak as seldom as I can. I listen, and I observe. What they have to say is fascinating. Their actions and mannerisms weave together with their words like a code waiting to be cracked. Why do people steal?

‘Tis The Season for Holiday Theft

Stores are packed to the brim with bustling gift-getters, and every second an associate spends dealing with potential holiday theft is a missed sales opportunity.
alto alliance

CASE STUDY: Offenders Give Feedback on ALTO Alliance Program

For a recent research study, the LPRC conducted a series of interviews with past offenders about the impact the ALTO Alliance strategy might have on deterring theft.
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