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Tag: lprc

The Problem of Organized Retail Crime: Overstated or Misunderstood?

To determine whether the retail crime problem has been overstated, we need to understand the nature of retail crime in general.

Insights from Survey on ORC Across the States

The goal of this report was to better understand the causes, consequences, and control of ORC throughout the United States at the state level, and the results from the 187 participants more than delivered.

LPRC Violent Crime Summit Postponed

To ensure the Violent Crime Summit is accessible to as many members as possible, the Loss Prevention Research Council’s (LPRC) Violent Crime Working Group leaders announced that they have decided to postpone the summit until May.

ORC Insights: Cory Lowe, LPRC Research Scientist

On this episode of The Intel by Auror Podcast Series, they speak with Cory Lowe, research scientist with the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC).

Research on the Researchers: LPRC and IMPACT

Let’s dig into all the who, where, what, and how behind the LPRC and the yearly conference they put on in Gainesville, known as IMPACT.

LPRC Integrate Walks Attendees Through an Aggressive Theft Scenario

The Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) held a unique event on February 22nd, in Gainesville, Florida, with select retailer and solution provider members of the LPRC brainstorming the “what-ifs” surrounding a violent theft incident.

Innovating for Now and Next

The bottom line is innovation is not just about the latest technology—it’s about finding new ways to do important things better.

LPRC Brings Over 400 LP Professionals to University of Florida Campus

The Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) IMPACT conference officially opened Tuesday for its first in-person event since 2019 with a record-breaking attendance of over 400 retailers, solution providers, and industry partners.

What the Research Says about the State of Organized Retail Crime

The LPRC conducts research on ORC through individual projects and working groups because they know you must understand a problem before you can effectively address it.

NRF Reports Retail Shrink Is a $100B Problem

Retail shrink, when taken as a percentage of total retail sales in 2021, accounted for $94.5 billion in losses last year, up from $90.8 billion in 2020, according to the 2022 National Retail Security Survey.
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