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Tag: lprc

Savvy Retailers Find Value in New Benefit-Denial Technology

Benefit denial, which has a long history as an effective loss prevention strategy, is now taking an even more central role in stopping retail theft.

LPRC Hosts 350 LP Executives to Explore Evidence-Based Retail Strategies

Under the theme “Precision LP,” the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) IMPACT conference concluded Wednesday after three days of presentations ranging from research results...
loss prevention research council, loss prevention strategies

How to Win with Your Loss Prevention Strategies

Regardless of what your company sells, where you sell it, or your total store count, you as a loss prevention or asset protection professional...
retail loss prevention solutions

Should I Remove that Old Legacy Tech from My Stores?

As we march closer to 2020, a few common themes have emerged among the research questions that the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) receives...

Footprints and Flea Markets

Every living person generates signals, signatures, and noise, if you will. As we move through time and space, we shed DNA, talk on phones,...

USS Reveals LPRC Tactical Tagging Study Results

USS has recently unveiled the results of a recent study conducted by the Loss Prevention Retail Council (LPRC), to test the benefits of their...

Winning Loss Prevention

We always want to win, not just execute. In fact, we must win. When LP loses, life safety, brand image, and financial performance are...

Is Identification the Missing Piece in LP’s War against ORC?

Last month, police officers from the Berkeley Police Department in California raided a house as part of an investigation into a retail theft ring and found stolen cosmetics and other goods totaling $500,000, according to news reports.
what is loss prevention

What Is Loss Prevention Today?

EDITOR'S NOTE: This interview is with three long-time loss prevention industry veterans. One is a retailer, one is a solutions provider, and one started...

Loss Prevention Research Council Announces Exclusive Content for Membership on Point-of-Sale Activation Solution

The Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) has released a series of reports detailing a recent study on the impact of the Point-of-SaleA ctivation (PoSA)...
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