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Turning Point Justice Announces New Advisory Board Members

Turning Point Justice (TPJ), a rapidly growing technology company that assists victims of crime, communities, and law enforcement agencies through restorative justice, continues to...

The Right Approach to the Interview is Critical when Filling Loss Prevention Job Openings

The success of your department greatly hinges on the ability to make the right hiring decisions when filling your loss prevention job openings; and...

The Challenges of Retail Loss Prevention in Mexico

In 2010 I was asked to speak at the annual retail loss prevention conference sponsored by ANTAD Mexico, Asociación Nacional de Tiendas de Autoservicio...

IOBSE Spring Conference Convenes at Tyco HQ Next Week in Florida

The leading organization for minority security professionals is holding its annual spring conference April 13-14 in Boca Raton, Florida, at Tyco corporate headquarters. The...

EyeOnLP: The Search for a Better Way to Avoid the Expense of Rekeying Locks...

Searching for a better way to handle rekeying locks for retail stores and other facilities in 1986 led to a rekeyable lock technology that has saved the retail industry millions of dollars in locksmith expenses over the past 30 years.

Understand Your Company’s Hiring Process When Filling Loss Prevention Job Openings

Managing the process necessary to successfully fill your loss prevention job openings can greatly influence everything from the potential pool of candidates, to the...
what is a loss prevention manager

Identify the Qualities That Are Most Important When Filling Loss Prevention Job Openings

To begin the process of identifying the best possible candidate to fill our loss prevention job openings, we will typically look at the type...

From Store Detective To Research Scientist with the Loss Prevention Research Council

Read Hayes, Ph.D., CPP, is the director of the Loss Prevention Research Council(LPRC) and coordinator of the Loss Prevention Research Team at the University...

Retirement and Thanks

Here I am, sitting on a plane Monday morning headed to Southern California to visit family and friends after officially retiring from Lowe's on...

Watch Trends to Plan for the Future

Nobody can predict the future. We can look backward and at the present. We can hear about and see certain things that are already...
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