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Tag: lp magazine

point-of-sale activation

Why Point-of-Sale Activation Technology Has Been Heralded as a Kingmaker

If connectivity in today's digital world represents "everything," then surely the opposite must be true of disconnectivity. As we immerse ourselves in the 21st century...
grocery store magazines

Losses and Costs Associated with UK Grocery Store Magazines and Newspapers

We are all familiar with use of the word “shrinkage” to describe the losses experienced by retailers, although it is impossible to find any...
Bob MacLea

Longtime Industry Icon Bob MacLea Passes at Age 75

Bob MacLea, one of the retail industry's longest-tenured and most-respected loss prevention executives, lost his battle with cancer last Thursday, March 1. Beginning his...
Jack Trlica signature

Thank You and I Appreciate You

Perhaps because I am of a certain age, I must confess that the passing of contemporaries has a profound impact on me. Over the...
retail innovation trends, asset protection system

All Together Now

The giant course correction hitting retail now appears pointed squarely in one direction—toward technology. It was the sum and substance of presentations at the...
loss prevention requirements

The Three Amigos

Exemplifying the True Meaning of Solution Provider Partner: An Interview with Kevin Lynch, Mike Grady, and Rex Gillette

Bearing Witness: Another Perspective from South Florida

As many of you know, LP Magazine spent most of the past week in Fort Lauderdale, FL, as part of an outstanding industry event...

LPM Insider Survey: Should the Loss Prevention Industry Do More to Support Regional Conferences?

Last week, LP Magazine was in Fort Lauderdale to support the 2018 Innovision Conference where leaders and decision-makers working in the loss prevention industry...
retail theft ring shoplifting, security in shopping malls. catching shoplifters, prop 47

Does Concealment = Shoplifting?

It is a common misbelief among shoplifters that an individual must exit the store with unpurchased merchandise before being civilly liable for statutory civil...

Innovision 2018 Kicks Off in Fort Lauderdale

Leaders and decision-makers working in the loss prevention, asset protection and this year for a first time, the safety industry are coming together this...
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