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Tag: loss prevention

How to Rock the Pocket Protector Look

A feature article in the October 2018 issue of LPM Online by Jac Brittain, LPC, examines the ways in which LP pros once applied analytics to business data and the more advanced types of data used in the retail space today.

Physical Safety Barriers: Low Tech Can Be Highly Effective

Since there is no standardized and accepted security level testing in North America, it is difficult for a loss prevention professional to verify and understand which physical security barrier products are best for their retail locations.

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) Announces Newest Bachelor-Level Partner

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) recently announced its newest bachelor-level partner, ADT. The Bachelor-level partnership secures numerous certification course scholarships for ADT to distribute...

NCR Acquires StopLift, Gains Powerful Anti-theft Solution for Self-Checkout

NCR Corporation recently announced that it has acquired StopLift Checkout Vision Systems, a leader in intelligent computer vision systems, to combat theft in the...

Interview and Interrogation Training: Risks of Being Too Specific

It's important, when you strategize your introductory statement, that we keep it non-confrontational and general enough to get the optimal way for you to get the most amount of truth from that conversation. Learn more in this week's NEW video tip.

Police Officer Exonerated in Fatal Shooting of Fleeing Shoplifter

A grand jury has decided not to indict a police officer who shot and killed a woman as she drove an SUV toward him...
Confessions of a Forensic Interviewer

Let’s Sit at the Same Side of the Table (CONTROLTEK)

Thinking back to when I worked for various retailers over the years and bumping into "vendors," let's just say I was mostly underwhelmed (though sometimes pleasantly surprised) at the service we received.

LPM “Magpie” Awards: Applauding Excellence, November–December 2018

The LPM "Magpie" Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law...
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