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Tag: loss prevention

The Asset Protection Professional of the Future

In many ways, current asset protection professionals are jacks of all trades, and as we look towards the future, their role in retail businesses only looks to become more expansive and essential.

The International Association of Interviewers’ Certified Forensic Interviewer Program Continues to Evolve

The updated CFI program from the International Association of Interviewers enhances investigative interviewing training with nearly 90 percent new content, incorporating global standards, evidence-based materials, and advanced learning options to meet the evolving demands of forensic interviewing.

Available On-Demand Now: Sleigh the Holiday Season with Motivation, Tech, and Some Holiday Fun!

Don’t miss out on this one! Put on your ugliest Christmas sweater, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and watch this on-demand now!

Strategic Cargo Theft: What It Is, How It Started, and What You Can Do...

A new form of theft has developed over the last several years, bringing the transportation world to its knees and taking its toll on retailers: strategic cargo theft. Read more in this article from cargo transportation expert John Tabor.

The Evolution of the LP Professional: 10 Years Later

Ten years ago, LPM asked LP leaders, key solution provider partners, and other thought leaders to share where they thought the profession would be ten years down the road. So, how did we do? Let’s take a closer look.

The Power of Partnership: Transform Your Retail Security with Protos’ Off-Duty Services

In this Voice article, learn more about how Protos Security's off-duty police services can benefit your organization.

Part 2 of LPRC’s Active Assailant Webinar Series Today

In the second episode of the Active Assailant Case Breakdown series webinar, learn more about internal threats within your organization, and situations in which the shooters are current employees.

Taking the Emotion Out of Loss Prevention

Reacting to what’s in front of you at the moment will not get the job done. It has led us to where we are now.

Audit Is Not a 4-Letter Word: How to Embrace the Power of the Audit

Despite what some seem to think, “audit” is not a four-letter word, and when managed correctly and appropriately, it can be a driving factor in the operation’s success.

Does Time Influence Crime Risk?

In this Ask the Expert discussion, we focus on how time also matters in the discussion of risky places.
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