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Tag: loss prevention

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LP101: Retail Investigations & Computer Forensics

The scope of retail investigations can take the loss prevention team in many different directions, covering every area of the retail enterprise. Computer forensics...

Using Legislation to Win against Organized Retail Crime

Gone are the days when groups of organized retail theft criminals receive a slap on the wrist and no jail time. Organized retail crime...

Alderman’s Shoplifting Charges Upgraded to Felony

Illinois Alderman Lynne M. Johnson has now been charged with felony burglary for allegedly stealing $55.21 worth of merchandise from a Meijer store according...

WZ Interview and Interrogation Training: Witness Selection for the Interview

In this week’s WZ / IAI interview and interrogation training tip, Dave Thompson, CFI discusses the importance of the witness in an interview, and...
McDonalds golden arches

Guardians of the Golden Arches: The McDonald’s US Security Program

The McDonald's US security team takes the uniqueness of principle that is McDonald's and forges its own path in the loss prevention space.
Loss Prevention Foundation logo

Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified in February 2016

The curriculum developed for the LPC certification is unmatched in the industry in my opinion; being intensely thorough from many perspectives. It’s a comprehensive look at loss prevention from all business areas; a very unique examination for any loss prevention professional.

LP Leaders Need to be Retail Security and Loss Control Experts

Violence, theft, fraud, and even poor process design and execution are killing retailers across the globe. Now more than ever, your retail organization needs...
Sport Chalet Image 1

Loss Prevention Strategies Built from a Different Mold

The Sport Chalet experience is focused on “premier sporting goods and expert advice.” There are some distinct anti-shrink and fraud-prevention features built into the...
Tyco Retail Logo

Tyco Retail Solutions Opens New Office in Tokyo, Japan

Tyco Retail Solutions is pleased to announce the opening of its new Tokyo office to meet the growing need for Store Performance Solutions in...
Piggy Bank Image

LPF and RILA Team Up to Support Asset Protection Community

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) will once again partner with The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) to raise money for the Loss Prevention Benevolent...
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