Tag: loss prevention
Beyond the Usual Inventory Shrinkage Definition: Total Retail Loss
There is little consensus on what constitutes “loss” within the retail world nor how it should be measured. The terms “shrinkage” and “shortage” have been loosely applied to encapsulate some of the areas that generate loss, but they are not terms enjoying a clear and agreed-upon definition across the sector.
Ethical Standards in the Workplace
Above and beyond your obligations to protect company assets, reduce shortage and enhance profits, you are expected to set an ethical example for others to follow.
Armed Robbery Prevention—When It’s an Inside Job
As long as a retailer’s doors are open for business, there is risk of of a store robbery. If this is the case, how are we to be proactive in armed robbery prevention?
Interview and Interrogation Training: What Is the WZ Method?
The Wicklander-Zulawski (WZ) method is a non-confrontational interview that allows the interviewer to build credibility through a brief introductory statement—and then show understanding through rationalizing.
Shedding Light on Retail Theft Statistics
The NRSS indicates that shoplifting accounted for 35.7 percent of the reported shrink in 2017, which is down from 39.3 percent in 2016.
6 Steps for Preventing Employee Theft of High-Value Property
To the extent possible, it’s good to keep high-value assets and critical material separate from employees, but that’s not always practical.
How to Catch Someone Stealing without the Use of Excessive Force
More than lecture, video, or online instruction and pen-and-pencil testing, situational exercises or scenario training provides supervisors with a picture of how ready an officer is to handle an event.
Counterintuitive Strategies for the Successful Loss Prevention Director
There is no universal secret to professional development success. Still, there tend to be commonalities among LP leaders who gain recognition within their organizations. And they’re not always what you’d expect.
Keys to a More Reliable Project Cost Estimation
These tips may help you to assess the completeness of a project’s cost estimate, either when conducting your own estimate or evaluating the sufficiency of an estimate developed by a consultant or integrator.
A Handy Guide to Video Auditing for Your Retail Business
Video-based operations audits have helped many businesses increase return on investment (ROI) and boost sales, revenues, and profit by finding theft and fraud they didn't know existed.