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Tag: loss prevention

OOS in Retail

What to Do about OOS in Retail

In the highly competitive retail sector, ensuring that the right product is on the right shelf at the right time is critical. Yet the problem of shelf out-of-stocks (OOS) remains as stubborn as ever. Could the LP team be the key to unlocking this new sales opportunity?

Interview and Interrogation Training: Developing Admission

With each topic that you introduce, there might be a little bit of resistance. What do we need to do to decrease resistance? Build more credibility, show understanding, and eventually lead to another assumptive question.
premises security liability

Premises Security Liability: Here’s Why Reasoned Behavior Trumps Perfection

The odds are stacked heavily against any organization that does not take necessary premises security procedures to protect their employees, customers, and others.
contract security retail officers

4 Tips for Better Management of Contract Security Retail Officers

The number of security guards directly hired by retailers is expected to decline by 2.8 percent between 2014 and 2024, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ occupational outlook.

How to Improve Your Customer Conversion Rate

While declining store traffic continues to dominate the headlines and remains the reason most frequently cited for lackluster store performance, it’s only part of the story.

Interview and Interrogation Training: The Participatory Interview Video Series

The participatory approach is specifically used when there’s circumstantial evidence or that there’s a possibility that your subject might have an excuse, an explanation, so some type of alibi that may or may not be true.
RFID technology radio frequency identification

RFID Technology and Its Use in Asset Protection

RFID technology allows companies to know where in their process any particular asset is, so they can monitor the speed of production, the time of delivery, or any other factor that will help them to see how long their processes actually take—and control assets by knowing where they are at any point in time.
retail loss prevention solutions

Which Retail Loss Prevention Solutions Stand the Test of Time?

Why is it that some product protection technologies have been around and working for decades, while other retail loss prevention solutions only seem to work for a few months before offenders aren’t impressed?
customer service theft deterrents

Friendly Associates Function as Theft Deterrents

Strong customer service is one of our most effective tools and most proactive means to control theft and other losses on the retail selling floor.
tammy clark

Interview and Interrogation Training: When Is the Investigation Over?

It's not uncommon for investigators to see the end goal of an investigation as the interview with the accused subject or involved subject.
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