Tag: loss prevention technology
Loss Prevention Technology Providers Exhibit at Retail Industry’s BIG Show
Over 35,000 attendees visited the National Retail Federation’s (NRF) BIG Show in New York City’s Jacob Javits Convention Center January 15-17. Several LP suppliers were in attendance, primarily those with products that have application across the retail enterprise.
Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention, Part 3
Here we are at the third and final installment of the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine. I had indicated in the first...
LP Magazine: A Look Back at the Middle Years
Bill Turner, LPC, has been a reader and contributor to Loss Prevention magazine (now LP Magazine) since its inception in 2001. Now, as the...
How to Design a Loss Prevention Program to Attack Shrinkage in a High-Risk Store
Integrating an effective loss prevention program can yield dramatic improvements when it comes to mitigating inventory shrinkage. But aligning an LP department appropriately within...
Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention, Part 2
Welcome to the second of three installments covering the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine. I hope you enjoyed the first part in...
Should You Pay for Security Technology the Same Way You Pay for Theft?
Discussions of changes in retail security technology typically revolve around enhanced functionality and the latest bells and whistles. But there is another way in which loss prevention technology is evolving—the manner by which retailers pay for it.
Making the Most of Loss Prevention Technology, Part 4
Technologies do not manage themselves; they need to be managed with equal passion and energy at all the key stages of their life cycles,...
15 Years: Looking at the History of Loss Prevention Magazine
Bill Turner, LPC, has been a reader and contributor to Loss Prevention magazine since its inception in 2001. Now, as the publication celebrates its 15-year...
Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention
Based on another project, I have spent two months combing over every issue of Loss Prevention magazine. Being a reader from the very beginning...
Pioneering Loss Prevention Technology is an Attitude
“Leading the way” has become an overused catchphrase for all kinds of products and services, whether it’s new concepts and ideas, new jobs, new...