Tag: loss prevention technology
Execs Reveal Their Top Retail Security Solutions and Strategies
Sometimes, new retail security solutions or strategies cut costs far beyond what LP was thinking would happen. In other cases, cost savings disappoint. A national study by SDR/LPM looked at this expectation gap.
Why It’s Critical to Use Retail Traffic Counters
Traffic and conversion analytics focus on what happens before the transaction is recorded in your POS or CRM system...if one is ever recorded at all. That's what makes traffic and conversion data especially useful. Together, they tell us about the sale we almost had.
Impressed by an LP Solution? Product Capability is Just the First Consideration
It's conference season—the time of year when loss prevention executives get to touch and admire the latest advances in new loss prevention technology.
People on the Move: April 2018 Loss Prevention Personnel Transitions
CONGRATULATIONS to the 67 movers and shakers this month! Check out our new headshot feature and feel free to submit your photo if your name is on the list.
NRF Announces Speaker Lineup for PROTECT 2018
Nearly 90 industry leaders will speak as over 2,500 retailers, loss prevention executives, cybersecurity experts and law enforcement officers assemble in Dallas June 11-13...
Video Surveillance Cameras: Seeing the Big Picture
An expert shares insights on building effective video surveillance systems and how to get the most out of existing systems to help maximize retailers' options and investment.
LPM Insider Survey Results: Solving Retail Crime Through Social Media
In last week’s LPM Insider survey, we discussed the Rite Aid asset protection team’s new investigation tool that unites the latest in loss prevention...
LPM Survey: Solving Retail Crime Through Social Media
In last week’s most read article, "The Rite Aid Asset Protection Team Reveals Details about Its New (and Valuable!) Investigation Tool," the Rite Aid...
9 Emerging Retail Technology Trends You Need to Know
Loss prevention practitioners have a long track record of investing in a wide range of technologies to help control the various losses retailers experience....
People on the Move: October 2017
Professional advancement and building a successful loss prevention career can mean many things to many different people. For some individuals, it may mean reaching...