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Tag: loss prevention research council

Everything Is Connected

When we're looking to grow a business at the store or enterprise level, we should strive to envision that entity's place and role in...
shoplifting crime

How Store Environments Affect Shoplifting Crime

Here’s how one shoplifter assesses risk. “First things first—you want to know if they got what you want. The second factor is the risk involvement. The risk involvement will be security times cameras times employees times space times [other] customers."
retail risk management

STUDY: How Do Stores Handle Retail Risk Management?

The currently described retail risk management research was an attempt to gauge whether and how retail chains segregate stores into risk and vulnerability bands for more precise protective support.

New Face Recognition Data on Shoplifting Reveals Extent of Organized Retail Crime

An analysis of biometric data from FaceFirst recently revealed that repeat shoplifters are more organized and aggressive than previously known, striking the same retailer...
store detective responsibilities

Store Detective Responsibilities and Characteristics

Two US retail chains participated in an extensive study of how to select individuals most likely to "win" as in-store loss prevention specialists (store detectives or “SDs”). Following are some of the highlights of this study.

The Blurring Lines between ORC and Cyber Crime

In 2003, the Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) worked on a three-year international research project with the University of Leicester, UK. The research was...

Deterring Determined Offenders

Okay, it's not just complicated; it's complex. At least that's the opinion expressed by some tweeters recently. The "Twitterland" consensus seemed to suggest controlling...

Bob MacLea Honored as Newest Member of the NRF PROTECT Ring of Excellence

The NRF PROTECT conference’s Ring of Excellence Award recognizes pioneers in the retail LP/AP community whose honor, integrity and character have served as a lasting example for the profession. The NRF is proud to announce that the 2018 recipient of the NRF PROTECT Ring of Excellence is Bob MacLea.
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