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Tag: loss prevention professionals

loss prevention executive

How to Sell Your Proposal to a Senior Loss Prevention Executive

While it would be impossible to give an exact formula for success in every company and project, it is reasonable to explore a framework that can be used to increase our chance at getting our proposal approved and implemented.
sexual harassment in retail

Loss Prevention Investigative Skills are Key to Sexual Misconduct Cases

Our society is currently experiencing an unprecedented conversation about sexual misconduct in the workplace. Industries like entertainment, news and government have seen leaders—virtually all of them men—fall from grace.

Bob MacLea Scholarships to Fund LP Certifications

Thanks to the generosity of the participants and over twenty corporate sponsors, the Swing for Certification event raised over $35,000 that will fund more than fifty scholarships.

LPM “Magpie” Awards: Applauding Excellence, July–August 2018

The LPM "Magpie" Awards offer a means to celebrate industry accomplishments on an ongoing basis, recognizing the loss prevention professionals, teams, solution providers, law...
cke restaurants holdings

Reflecting on the Evolution of Retail Security

EDITOR'S NOTE: Paul Jones, LPC, is the new director of asset protection and risk management at CKE Restaurants Holdings, Inc. The 25-year retail veteran...
Crisis Management Plan

The Best (and Most Practical) Tips to Improve Your Crisis Management Plan

As we all know, a major crisis can arise at any time. It can be natural or man-made, short-lived or having devastating consequences over an extended period, affecting one business or many, and permanently damaging the reputation of some.
working in loss prevention

Working in Loss Prevention Alongside Law Enforcement: Can It Be Done?

For years, there have been those who have questioned whether retail loss prevention and law enforcement can effectively work in partnership with one another. Professionals working in loss prevention have often felt that law enforcement was unconcerned about helping them with their business.

Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified – June 2018

We are pleased to recognize and congratulate industry leaders who recently obtained their LPC certification. Despite their demanding schedules, they still saw the value and took the time to obtain this industry-leading credential.
retail industry, grocery store shrink

Managing Grocery Store Shrink Begins with Problem Identification

One question I have been asked frequently is, “How did you know how to battle retail shrink in the grocery business, especially considering your...
history of interrogation, employee dishonesty

Meeting Employee Dishonesty with Compassion in an Interview

Compassion can be an important component to assist people when they decide to tell the truth. How might you, as an interviewer, apply compassion to your conversations about employee dishonesty?
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