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Tag: loss prevention professionals

Social Media Monitoring: How Does It Work?

In this article, I will cover how social media monitoring works, the common use cases, and some of the myths and misconceptions. Let’s start...
inventory shrinkage, how to calculate shrinkage in retail, loss prevention audits

LP Insider’s Top Five Inventory Shrinkage Articles of 2016

How to Calculate Shrinkage in Retail Understanding how to calculate shrinkage in retail is a fundamental but critical concept within the loss prevention profession as...

LP Insider’s Top Five Loss Prevention Articles of 2016

When Tragedy Strikes the Loss Prevention Community On the evening of April 10, 2016, a shoplifting suspect was attempting to steal three flat screen televisions...
Data Security Data Protection

LP Insider’s Top Five Data Protection Articles of 2016

2016 Data Breach Statistics: By the Numbers Recent trends show a continuing rise in data security incidents Data breach statistics have continued to climb at an...
Professional Development, In-store audit crisis management team structure, walmart store policy when prosecuting shoplifter security cameras

Five Steps to Recruiting the Right Loss Prevention Professionals

The success of any organization is determined by the talent of its people. In his book Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the...
Retail Alarm Systems Monitoring

Can You Monitor Your Retail Alarm Systems In-House?

Those of us who have been loss prevention professionals for any length of time can likely share some horror stories about experiences with national...
lp magazine

LP Magazine: A Look Back at the Middle Years

Bill Turner, LPC, has been a reader and contributor to Loss Prevention magazine (now LP Magazine) since its inception in 2001. Now, as the...

Retail Technology Trends Shaping the Future of Loss Prevention

Every day we are reminded just how quickly retail technology trends are changing the world around us. Charging at us at a furious pace,...

Largest LPRC Conference Concludes in Advance of Hurricane Matthew

Over 260 loss prevention professionals, solution providers, and retail manufacturers gathered at the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville October 3–5 for the annual...
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