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Tag: loss prevention professionals

Professional Development, loss prevention jobs, how to define loss prevention

How to Define Loss Prevention

“So, what do you do?” This is common question that for some loss prevention professionals presents a perplexing set of thoughts. “How do I adequately satisfy the inquirer’s request, without overcomplicating the dialogue?”
organized retail crime

How NOT to Investigate Organized Retail Crime

This post's findings are the result of more than thirty retail and law enforcement interviews expressly asking for opinions and thoughts on investigating ORC. It's from the archives, but its advice is timeless.
cyber crime, security issues in e-commerce

What You Need to Know about Security Issues in E-Commerce

With the growth of online shopping comes security issues in e-commerce that LP professionals need to understand.

The Cult of Technology in Asset Protection: LP/AP’s Adoption of Multidisciplinary Concepts

As technological advances have occurred in other domains such as computer science, the realm of capabilities in our LP/AP world has exploded. However, all too often, there is a willingness to believe that technology offers a panacea.

LPM Excellence Recognizes Louise Kadege for Partnerships

To become a true partner in the loss prevention community, Kadege feels there are a few primary qualities that lead the way. "First, say what you'll do and do what you say. If you say you'll do something, do it. People always prefer honesty."

LPM Excellence Recognizes Cathy Langley, LPC, for Leadership

"I don't believe that leading in asset protection is much different than leading in other industries," said Langley. "Of course, high integrity is a must. But ultimately, for any true leader, the focus has to be on people."
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