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Tag: loss prevention professional

Data Security Attack

Data Security Attacks on POS Systems: Hitting Retailers Where It Hurts

Data security attacks and cyber breaches are making headlines like never before, with some of the largest and most well-known brands—LinkedIn and Yahoo among...
Loss Prevention Foundation logo

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) Announces Northern Michigan University Partnership

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) announced that Northern Michigan University has agreed to waive the Loss Prevention Management (LPM) 101 prerequisite for anyone who...
investigative interviewing

Objective LP Investigations versus Confident Interviews

As a loss prevention professional, chances are that you conduct internal theft interviews. Furthermore, it’s probably the skill that impresses our business partners the...

LP Magazine Celebrates 15 Years with a Glimpse at the Past, But a Focus...

This past week LP Magazine celebrated its 15th year anniversary during the magazine’s annual board meeting, which was held this year in Sanibel Island,...

Is Warehouse Burglary Becoming an Epidemic?

Most retailers run at least one (and often many) major warehouse operations. Some have a loss prevention arm specifically dedicated to supply chain security and...
data breaches

The Potential for Data Breaches in the Internet of (Hackable) Things

As more and more devices are connected together online, from cars to fridges to wearable technology, we tend to ignore the simple fact that...
lp magazine

15 Years: Looking at the History of Loss Prevention Magazine

Bill Turner, LPC, has been a reader and contributor to Loss Prevention magazine since its inception in 2001. Now, as the publication celebrates its 15-year...
Loss Prevention Foundation logo

Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified September 2016

The curriculum developed for the LPC certification is unmatched in the industry in my opinion; being intensely thorough from many perspectives. It’s a comprehensive look at loss prevention from all business areas; a very unique examination for any loss prevention professional.

The Next Fifteen Years of LPM

Realizing that there are many readers who turn first to the back of the magazine for Jim Lee’s Parting Words column, while you may...

The Importance of Continuing Education for LP Professionals

Editor's Note: Stuart Levine, CFI, CFCI, is CEO of The Zellman Group, an LP industry solutions provider supporting retailers with loss prevention services, civil...
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