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Tag: loss prevention professional

Physical Safety Barriers: Low Tech Can Be Highly Effective

Since there is no standardized and accepted security level testing in North America, it is difficult for a loss prevention professional to verify and understand which physical security barrier products are best for their retail locations.
Jim Lee Signature Image

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time many years ago when I was very young, ASIS announced a new certification program called the CPP, which stood for...
Steve May

LPM Excellence Recognizes Steve May for Partnerships

"Being a vendor is not a dirty word. You need to believe in your bones that what you're providing is critical to your customer's success."
shoplifting in fitting rooms

Shoplifting in Fitting Rooms

Whether in a booster bag, booster girdle, stroller or wearing stolen merchandise out of a store, the fitting room seems like a great place to conceal merchandise. So, what are some current methods to curb shoplifting in fitting rooms?
Stephen Longo

LPM Excellence Recognizes Steve Longo for Partnerships

"Around the age of ten, I started selling software demo kits alongside my dad," said Longo. "He was a brilliant man, passionately building relationships with innovators in the early days of software development, including (name drop) Bill Gates."
vendor-retailer relationship

3 Pitfalls That Will Cause Your Vendor-Retailer Relationship to Fail

The vendor-retailer relationship is complicated, time-consuming, and sometimes frustrating. But if it's the right relationship, it can be mutually beneficial and everyone is happy—or at least minimally dissatisfied, depending on your perspective.
rite aid asset protection

The Rite Aid Asset Protection Team Reveals Details about Its Valuable Investigation Tool

One day in October of 2017, a man of medium build entered a Rite Aid in one of the nation’s largest cities, approached the register, and demanded cash. As the drawer was being opened, the subject flung himself over the counter, grabbing whatever cash he could.
Electronic Article Surveillance Source Tagging, eas tag

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Source Tagging: 20+ Years of Innovation

Every so often, a simple idea catches the imagination, fervor, and engagement of a group of people and is developed into a successful practice that revolutionizes a business. Electronic article surveillance (EAS) source tagging is definitely one of those.
Confessions of a Forensic Interviewer

Why Good Investigators Fail

Sometimes the mighty fall. Even the most seasoned loss prevention professional can get in a rut or make mistakes based on habit or personal attitudes. Why? Here are the three common reasons.

LPM Excellence Recognizes Chris Duke for Community Service

"It's not easy for any of us to balance all of the many priorities that we have in our lives," said Duke. "But once you're engaged in something that you're truly passionate about—something that's in your heart and you truly believe in—you find the time."
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