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Tag: loss prevention professional

A Winning Approach to Job Interviews

Talents, abilities, experience, expertise, leadership—all of these attributes can be misunderstood, underestimated, or even overlooked altogether if we fail to send essential messages during the course of the job interview.

LPC and LPQ: Two Critical Loss Prevention Training Courses

Core competencies and standards of performance have been established by industry leadership and subject matter experts from across the retail loss prevention community to represent the needs and expectations of the profession.
customer service theft deterrents

Friendly Associates Function as Theft Deterrents

Strong customer service is one of our most effective tools and most proactive means to control theft and other losses on the retail selling floor.
ethical standards in the workplace

Ethical Standards in the Workplace

Above and beyond your obligations to protect company assets, reduce shortage and enhance profits, you are expected to set an ethical example for others to follow.
armed robbery prevention safe

Armed Robbery Prevention—When It’s an Inside Job

As long as a retailer’s doors are open for business, there is risk of of a store robbery. If this is the case, how are we to be proactive in armed robbery prevention?
workplace theft prevention

The Moral, Societal, and Legal Obligation for Workplace Theft Prevention

At first, this may seem like an issue that involves only the retailer. However, the decision to ignore generally accepted cash and merchandise controls has far-reaching implications.
supply chain

How to Analyze Retail Shortage Control Measures in the Supply Chain

The bedrock upon which healthy retailers are built is the supply chain that provides the goods to be sold. A retailer’s competitiveness, then, or lack thereof, is in measurable part a reflection of the extent to which these avenues of supply are cost effective and efficient.
calendar schedule

6 Upcoming Loss Prevention Conferences and Events

2019 is in high gear, and we're just getting started. Let LPM help you find your next networking opportunity, retail technology expo, or training course.

Last Call for the 2019 Loss Prevention Survey

This year’s survey is designed to explore just how the loss prevention community perceives key subjects facing the profession today, and whether we share a common theme across all levels of leadership.
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