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Tag: loss prevention issues

The Benefits and ROI of Online POS Exception Reporting

According to industry surveys as well as industry buzz, it’s one of the hottest technologies in the retail loss prevention industry, with users swearing...

LP Associates of the Future

The Loss Prevention Research Council (LPRC) Future of LP Working Group looks to the horizon for loss prevention issues that are sure to plague...

Data Breaches: A Look Back, a Glimpse Forward

There are many different kinds of stories that dot the digital landscape, many highlighting the scope and reach of loss prevention in the new...

A Look Back, a Glimpse Forward

There were many different kinds of stories that dotted the digital landscape in 2014, many highlighting the scope and reach of loss prevention in...

Loss Prevention and the Pharmacy: Holding the Keys to the Medicine Cabinet

Most practitioners would agree that there is more to loss prevention than simply ‘minding the store’. With the meteoric growth of online and mobile...
McDonalds golden arches

Guardians of the Golden Arches: The McDonald’s US Security Program

The McDonald's US security team takes the uniqueness of principle that is McDonald's and forges its own path in the loss prevention space.
workplace alcohol abuse

Alcohol Retailing in the Wine and Spirits Industry

The wine and spirits segment of retail is unique in the sense that few other goods available in retail stores are so tightly controlled...

Loss Prevention Strategies Take on New Meaning When Your Inventory Is Alive

Tom Floystrop is an inherently practical loss prevention professional with an interesting approach to loss prevention strategies and the challenges of the LP industry....

Habitual Shoplifters are an International Concern

Shoplifting and other forms of retail theft cost retailers tens of billions of dollars each year. As a result retail leadership has learned to...

Engaging Merchants in the Protection of Assets

The Retail Industry Leaders Association's (RILA) Asset Protection Leaders Council commissioned a study to look at the relationship between retail buyers and the asset...
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