Tag: loss prevention certifications
8 Reasons Why Smart Leaders Sometimes Engage in Unethical Behavior at Work
When I went to prison, I was scared—not an uncommon feeling. I knew exactly what I did that landed me in there—32 federal felony counts of bribery, conspiracy, and money laundering—but I didn't know why I did what I did.
The Secret to a Winning Loss Prevention Team Culture
Whatever your core values are, the old truism remains accurate: employees don’t turn to statements on the company website to look for clues on how to behave; they look to each other.
Interview and Interrogation Training: Assumptive Questions
This week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tips from the archive, provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, feature Wayne Hoover, CFI, looking at the soft accusation assumptive question during an interview.
Loss Prevention Certification: Recently Certified November 2018
The Loss Prevention Foundation is pleased to recognize and congratulate the following individuals who have successfully completed all of the requirements set forth by the board of directors to be LPQualified (LPQ) and/or LPCertified (LPC).
Pilot Testing Security Systems for Retail Stores: 4 Best Practices
According to a survey by SDR/LPM, loss prevention executives are more likely than security counterparts in other industries to believe that a pilot study or field test is an effective way to show senior management that a project is a good idea.
Holiday Loss Prevention Tips: Make Sure You’re Ready for the Rush
During this critical time of year, every possible step that we can take to ensure a successful season must be planned and prepared, including our loss prevention plan.
How to Survive Retail Mergers and Acquisitions
Retail mergers and acquisitions have the cumulative affect of raising the bar for top LP and security executives, suggests David Lammert, president of Pinnacle Placements, an executive search firm specializing in the security profession.
These Retail Store Safety Measures May Help Reduce the Likelihood of a Terror Attack
Loss prevention executives have a responsibility to stay plugged into the threat-communication network, such as through a local joint terrorism task force and via contact with industry counterparts and law enforcement.
5 Ways Employees Are Stealing from Your Stores Right Now
Implementing targeted theft-deterrent strategies depends on consistent record-keeping, organization, and pattern recognition. A data-driven incident management process is the only way to keep pace with an extremely adaptable foe.
Interview and Interrogation Training: Risks of Being Too Specific
It's important, when you strategize your introductory statement, that we keep it non-confrontational and general enough to get the optimal way for you to get the most amount of truth from that conversation. Learn more in this week's NEW video tip.