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Tag: loss prevention certifications

Information Dominance

Intelligence drives the fight. Ask General George Washington. In fact, ask anyone battling an adversary. Good, accurate, current intel and definition makes the total...

Agilence Unveils New Data Analytics Product Tailored to Pharmacy Operations

Agilence recently announced 20/20 Rx™, a new pharmacy analytics software designed to support the specific needs of pharmacies and retailers with pharmacy departments. With...
security cameras

An Update on Major Subjects Affecting Retail LP

After completing the three-part series on the first fifteen years of Loss Prevention magazine, I promised to write an additional article that looks at...

The Zellman Group Awards Scholarship to Beall’s Market LP Manager

The Zellman Group would like to thank everyone who participated in the LPC Scholarship Essay Contest. "We are thrilled with the number of submissions...

De-escalation Training Program Addresses Disruptive Behaviors

Addressing disruptive customer behavior and de-escalation training efforts has become a topic of great interest to retailers across the globe amidst growing concern over...
Jack Trlica signature

Great Customer Experience Is More than a Buzzword

For the past several years, “customer experience” has been one of the most talked-about topics in retail. Seminar after seminar at the past two...

The Loss Prevention Benevolent Fund Raises $4900 at the RILA Retail Asset Protection Conference

The Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF) and Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) Retail Asset Protection Conference successfully partnered to raise money for the Loss Prevention...
cash handling best practices, cash handling procedures retail

Cashing In on Security

It is possible for cash to be an afterthought. Shoppers are using it less, and it doesn’t command attention like new mobile payment methods...

Checking All the Boxes on Your GPS Solution (7P Solutions)

With today’s retail business environment and the ever-increasing prevalence of organized retail crime, LP professionals must ask themselves two important questions about their GPS...

Detecting Theft at the Point of Concealment (Southern Imperial)

Southern Imperial’s LM Tag loss prevention solution has proven to reduce shrink and labor costs. Additionally, the LM Tag has helped increase sales opportunities...
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