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Tag: loss prevention certifications

Retail Security Image Workplace Violence Response Plan

7 Steps to Implementing a Workplace Violence Response Plan

A comprehensive approach to addressing a workplace violence incident involves these seven steps.
organized retail crime

How NOT to Investigate Organized Retail Crime

This post's findings are the result of more than thirty retail and law enforcement interviews expressly asking for opinions and thoughts on investigating ORC. It's from the archives, but its advice is timeless.
cyber crime, security issues in e-commerce

What You Need to Know about Security Issues in E-Commerce

With the growth of online shopping comes security issues in e-commerce that LP professionals need to understand.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Have You Evolved—Implicit Promises

Interviewers often make an implicit promise or suggestion of leniency, without actually realizing what they're saying. Think about the risks that come along with your go-to lines or phrases.
Retail Industry, retail traffic counters

Why It’s Critical to Use Retail Traffic Counters

Traffic and conversion analytics focus on what happens before the transaction is recorded in your POS or CRM system...if one is ever recorded at all. That's what makes traffic and conversion data especially useful. Together, they tell us about the sale we almost had.
corporate travel safety policy

How to Build Your Corporate Travel Safety Policy

A survey of 300 corporate security directors by Security Director’s Report (SDR) found that many international trips that employees take go without a security review. Without sufficient advanced notification of employees’ travel plans, threat assessment and logistical planning to support safe travel are impossible.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Have You Evolved—Change of Perspective

Simply put, change of perspective is to allow the subject to see the situation from a decision-maker's point of view. Even though somebody has done something wrong, there are still two different ways to handle that situation: talk about it, or continue to lie about that happening.
investigating theft in the workplace

The ABCs of Investigating Theft in the Workplace

Few core competencies are as important to senior loss prevention executives as a proficiency in theft investigations. Whether it is knowing when to initiate an investigation, how...
safety in the workplace

Safety in the Workplace: 10 Elements of a Successful Program

Considering the tremendous diversity of retail settings, programs that promote safety in the workplace can be just as diverse. There is no universal safety program that is right for all retail organizations.
electronic security

6 Essential Elements for Effective Electronic Security

Loss prevention directors need to call on many skills—not just their security smarts—to make a new or upgraded system optimally effective.
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