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Tag: loss prevention certifications

causes of shrinkage

Relying on Sales Won’t Eliminate Causes of Shrinkage

Can ignoring the causes of shrinkage and refocusing strictly on sales solve our inventory issues?
store detective responsibilities

Store Detective Responsibilities and Characteristics

Two US retail chains participated in an extensive study of how to select individuals most likely to "win" as in-store loss prevention specialists (store detectives or “SDs”). Following are some of the highlights of this study.
Shrinkage Control, in-store audit

How to Perform An In-Store Audit That Will Guide and Motivate Improved Performance

The three major causes that contribute to inventory shrink in any retail operation are internal theft, external theft, and operational compliance. An effective loss prevention program must focus on all three of these areas.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Perspective

When I say "perspective," what I'm really trying to talk about is how I might view a situation versus how you may view a situation, versus somebody else, versus the way a situation actually occurred.
detecting counterfeit currency

Low Tech Still Works for Detecting Counterfeit Currency

In 2015, $78 million in counterfeit currency was passed in the United States, according to a report by the US Secret Service. Nearly 7o percent of that $78 million was created with the use of digital printing technologies.
retail pre-employment assessment

Do Retail Pre-Employment Assessment Tests Minimize Turnover?

More retail industry employers are using pre-employment screening tests to find better employees.
cyber attack

Get Ready Now for the Cyber Attack Risks of Tomorrow

In the United States, cyber attack risks pose a greater danger to future profits than any other risk, according to a survey of 750 experts and decision-makers among the WEF’s stakeholder community.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Explanatory Denials

The subject may state something like, “I wouldn’t have taken that money because I love my job.” How do you handle that type of denial?
Shoplifter Shoplifting and theft

To Stop or Not to Stop the Shoplifter: Is This Still a Question?

Am I sure that he is attempting to steal this merchandise? "Yes, I am sure."
interview closing statement, interviewer performance

Monitoring and Measuring Interviewer Performance

Evaluating interviewer performance is one area that can be difficult to measure against the department’s overall expectations, but can be a major return on investment for the interviewer and organization.
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