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Tag: loss prevention certifications

inventory shrinkage, how to calculate shrinkage in retail, loss prevention audits

How Loss Prevention Audits Are Used

Too often, there is a failure to acknowledge achievements during the audit process, which as a result tends to emphasize a negative undertone. This tendency can and will influence the entire process.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Preparation for Development of the Admission

Sometimes when we conduct an investigation, we're so focused on the specific incident or type of crime that was committed that we forget to think outside the box about what else that person could have done. Check out this week's video tip for more.
Racial Profiling in retail stores

What We Can Do About Racial Profiling in Retail Stores

One idea to limit lawsuits: Conduct periodic surprise store audits to ensure compliance, identify gaps in training, and weed out problem employees.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Keys to the Written Statement

Often, at the end of an interview, we as the interviewers become mentally drained and exhausted. As a result, we sometimes take shortcuts on the written statement. That's really a dangerous and costly mistake. Check out the video tip for this week - and check out a bonus tip from the archives!
writing an incident report

Getting Your Employees Comfortable with Writing an Incident Report

Here is a quick-and-dirty guide to instructing employees on the proper techniques of writing an incident report: a key loss prevention skill that is critical to professional growth.
Loss Prevention Equipment, video surveillance laws, ORC methods

How to Get More Money for Loss Prevention Equipment Acquisitions

What if other people in your organization could help you buy the loss prevention system that you are having a hard time getting approved by your C-level stakeholders?
hostile workplace

The Real Danger of a Hostile Workplace

Loss prevention and asset protection teams need to track and analyze incidents and investigate complaints of workplace harassment and bullying for any suggestion that race or ethnic discrimination is a contributing cause.
loss prevention career path, loss prevention resume

Writing the Perfect Loss Prevention Resume

If you are thinking about writing your own resume (rather than using a professional resume writing service) to reflect the experience, accomplishments, and other...
restaurant security

Franchisees: Building a Restaurant Security Program from Scratch

Consider this: restaurant security programs require monetary output for potential safety measures, such as buying and installing CCTV cameras or implementing access systems. Such...
What Is A Shoplifter, people who steal, retail store theft

People Who Steal: Revealing Quotes from Offender Interviews

The Loss Prevention Research Council conducts more than 100 in-person interviews with active shoplifters each year. Much of what they say pertains to whether they see/get/fear a particular theft deterrent.
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