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Tag: gen z

New Study Says Gen Z Buys Counterfeit Items to ‘Achieve a Sense of Social...

A recent study from City, University of London looks at whether income inequality affects people's decision to buy counterfeit luxury goods and how perceptions influence this choice. Read more here!

When Did Counterfeit Become Cool?

Once upon a time, counterfeit luxury goods were considered a fashion faux pas. Unfortunately, there now seems to be a growing comfort with—even preference for—counterfeit luxury goods.

Will ‘The Steal’ Slow Self-Checkout and Frictionless Commerce?

In this article by Tony D'Onofrio, read how retailers are dealing with loss from self-checkout, and the technologies they're using to help.

New Survey Shows More Than Half of Gen Z Prefers Frictionless Shopping

Generation Z is leading the way when it comes to a preference for frictionless shopping, with over half (52%) likely to switch retailers for check-out free stores.

Retail Resurgence: 90 Percent of Gen Z Shoppers Have Made an In-Store Purchase Within...

Nearly 60 percent of 1,009 young people polled said they’ve visited a mall within the last week and almost 90 percent have made an...
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