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Tag: employee theft

Interview and Interrogation Training: Preparation for Development of the Admission

Sometimes when we conduct an investigation, we're so focused on the specific incident or type of crime that was committed that we forget to think outside the box about what else that person could have done. Check out this week's video tip for more.
restaurant theft

Restaurant Theft: The 5 Most Common Methods

Given that restaurants operate on incredibly narrow margins, it is important to identify and reduce the opportunities for employee theft. Here are five common ways in which dishonest employees steal from restaurant owners and customers.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Keys to the Written Statement

Often, at the end of an interview, we as the interviewers become mentally drained and exhausted. As a result, we sometimes take shortcuts on the written statement. That's really a dangerous and costly mistake. Check out the video tip for this week - and check out a bonus tip from the archives!

Interview and Interrogation Training: Investigative Prep Question Structure (Part 4 of 4)

Prior to walking in and having the conversation, many people, especially those who have certifications, can define the differences between a fact-finding question and a behavioral question–yet still sometimes during the interview, misplace these.
restaurant security

Franchisees: Building a Restaurant Security Program from Scratch

Consider this: restaurant security programs require monetary output for potential safety measures, such as buying and installing CCTV cameras or implementing access systems. Such...
Employee suspected of Theft sweethearting

Sweethearting: The Dark Side of Good Customer Service

One of the most commonly held principles of shrinkage reduction, especially for shoplifting deterrence, is achieved by giving good customer service. This idea is...

Background Screening for Violence Prevention: What Checks Do Retailers Make? Are They Enough?

In the nation's third workplace shooting in 24 hours, a temporary worker at a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, MD, opened fire on her coworkers, killing three and wounding several others before shooting herself.

Interview and Interrogation Training: Investigative Prep Selective Interview (Part 3 of 4)

If you're working a multi-party investigation, I would highly recommend that you use the same pool of questions for each person. You do not want multiple people to be separated during an investigation and find out that different questions were used.
store security

How to Increase Traffic Without Compromising Retail Store Security

The 21st century posed a major conundrum for the retailers: how to fight online competition and improve brick-and-mortar store performance, and how to increase...
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