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Tag: data

Millions Exposed as 14M Shipping Records Are Leaked

Hipshipper, an international shipping platform used by eBay, Shopify, and Amazon sellers, has exposed millions of shipping labels, revealing personal customer data.

How Proper Data Collection Prevents Future Violence Incidents

Effective data collection and management in the aftermath of violent incidents are key for preventing future occurrences.

Holidays in Retail: How Shifts in Daily Routines Join Time and Place to Impact...

This is part four of our conversation with Walter Palmer and Dr. Grant Drawve, PhD, of CAP Index. In this discussion, we examine how the holidays impact crime risk in retail.

Cellphone Tracking: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Data marketers aren’t just using your location to help you find the nearest restaurants or gas stations. They’re tracking your movements from the moment you wake up and using that data to form a profile of you.

Retailers Must Adapt to Changing Privacy Laws

While still a patchwork in the United States, the enactment of citizen-inspired privacy laws to counter the proliferation of rampant data generation and collection is moving fast and taking off, putting the onus on businesses, including retailers, to ready internal protocols and systems to ensure compliance.

Retail Data Breaches: A Perspective on Today, a Look Back, a Glimpse Forward

Devastating incidents involving data breaches are continuously dotting the technology landscape, having both direct and indirect outcomes for retailers and the retail customer.
cloud system breach

How to Prevent Data Breaches with Proven Techniques in 2024

The current geopolitical climate has led to a significant increase in targeted attacks, observed by 86 percent of organizations.

Retail Fraud Detection Is Not One Size Fits All—Here’s Why

The increase in fraud is pervasive across the retail industry, but the solution is not one size fits all. Each retail business must review the data to take a closer look at the fraud trends and determine which specific methods are taking a toll on profitability.

Cutting Through the Hype of Crime Data Part 2

In this discussion, we delve deeper into the impact that "place" has when analyzing crime risk and crime trends.

Cutting Through the Hype of Crime Data

This discussion will be the first in a series about how to use crime data, evaluate trends, view headlines and statistics in the mainstream media with healthy skepticism, and, most importantly, use data and modeling to improve operations, lower risks, and properly allocate resources.
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