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Tag: crisis management

Crisis Management Plan, Crisis Leadership

Retailers with a Crisis Management Plan Can Effectively Manage Disruption

The political candidates currently vying for the US Presidency seem to disagree about the level of crime in the nation. Regardless of the actual...

Focus on the 4 Ps to Meet Loss Prevention’s New Mandate in a More...

With 30 years as a first responder and leadership in the public safety community, Anthony Mangeri has long had a front row seat to the impact that emergency events have on retailers.
lp magazine

15 Years: Looking at the History of Loss Prevention Magazine

Bill Turner, LPC, has been a reader and contributor to Loss Prevention magazine since its inception in 2001. Now, as the publication celebrates its 15-year...
Crisis Management Plan, Crisis Leadership

Crisis Management: What Walgreens, 7-Eleven, and Other Crisis-Prepared Retailers Have in Common

Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland painted a grim picture of the nation’s safety. The candidate recited a laundry...
Jack Trlica signature

Thanks for Fifteen Great Years

Fifteen years has gone by quickly—until I look at my photo in our first issue compared to my current photo. When we started the...
lp magazine

Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention

Based on another project, I have spent two months combing over every issue of Loss Prevention magazine. Being a reader from the very beginning...
Crisis Management

Emotional Factors in Crisis Management

We often talk about business continuity in practical, pragmatic terms. But it’s important to remember that when a crisis hits a company, no matter...
crisis management plan

Every Crisis Management Plan Needs to Address Workplace Violence

As mentioned in a recent article (“Terrorism, Workplace Violence, and Insurance Implications”), the latest research suggests that 95 percent of employers are either completely...
workplace violence

Terrorism, Workplace Violence, and Insurance Implications

Several recent manmade disasters, including the attack at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL, and the Brussels airport terrorist bombing, highlight the vulnerability of the...
Crisis Response Training

Advanced Crisis Response Training is Required to Handle Protests

In the past, retailers considered public demonstrations to be a police matter and relinquished the development of response plans to the local level. Retailers...
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