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Tag: crisis management

Crisis management tabletop exercise

AP Fundamentals: Crisis Response

A crisis management plan that is clearly communicated and effectively executed will have a better chance of mitigating the effects of a crisis event, regardless of the conditions.

AP Fundamentals: Crisis Management Plans

The format of a crisis management plan contains elements that can be adapted to most events or situations to identify, reduce, or eliminate risk.

Travel Safety Programs Need to Retool as Trips Resume

Even if the amount of work travel eventually reverts to where it was before COVID, much around it won’t. Labor markets have changed and so have global risks and employee attitudes.
disgruntled employee

Preventing Violence in Employee Terminations

The odds are nearly 50 percent that workplace violence incidents are related to layoffs, demotions, or other negative work-related events.

Where Were You on the Morning of September 11? Part 3

LP Magazine shares perspectives and memories from loss prevention executives about the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Crisis Management Plan Development

Crisis management is a process used to eliminate or reduce the harmful effects of an event and establish methods to deal with them when...
retail shopper in mask and gloves

Stepping Up During This Time of Crisis—LP Leadership’s Role

These are unprecedented times in our world, our lives, and of course, our industry. As front-line defenders, loss prevention leadership is in a critical...

Thoughts from Industry Leaders on Opportunities and Failures with COVID-19

Retail executives offer their insights into the opportunities, challenges, and failures of organizations related to loss prevention, supply chain, crisis management, and other areas.

A Culture of Tradition and Change: Loss Prevention in Japan

Japan has always had a reputation for its fascinating, distinctive traditions. As an island nation with a long history of isolation, many aspects of the culture are immersed in a rich history and deep traditions dating back thousands of years. On the other hand, it is a country that continuously pushes new trends. The same is true for retail security.

As Coronavirus Spreads, Are Retailers’ Pandemic Preparedness Plans Ready?

With respect to the prospect of a deadly pandemic, whether it occurs in nature or from terrorists, most scientists suggest that we are living on a major fault line. They predict a big one is coming, but there is just no telling when. Will the coronavirus be the one?
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