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Tag: CIS

CIS Security Solutions President Peter Morello Wins Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Peter Morello, president of CIS Security Solutions, has been awarded the title of Entrepreneur of the Year by the Business Development Board of Martin County, Florida.

Design. Develop. Deliver. How the Boot Came to Be

In this article, read about the technology CIS offers to mitigate organized retail crime in your retail store.

LPF Webinar about Cracking Down on Retail Theft Today

CIS Security Solutions is pleased to introduce you to one of the sponsors of the new Florida House Bill 0549, Florida House Representative John Snyder (R) in this webinar today, July 11 at 1 p.m. ET.

Meet the Scorpion: The Self-Retracting Alarming Package Wrap

The Scorpion, an alarming package wrap/EAS tag, will save your team time and money with its self-retracting cables and replaceable components. 
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