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Tag: card fraud

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Fifteen Years of Loss Prevention

Based on another project, I have spent two months combing over every issue of Loss Prevention magazine. Being a reader from the very beginning...

Seventh Annual Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail (C.L.E.A.R.) Conference

In today’s world, quality training and partnerships between law enforcement and retail loss prevention is essential in combatting the ever changing landscape of Organized...
credit card fraud scam

LP101: Credit Card Fraud

Credit card fraud is a common type of criminal activity in the retail setting that involves the use of credit cards as the form...

NRF/Forrester Survey Says EMV Pushing Aside Other Payment Initiatives

Reducing credit card and debit card fraud by implementing EMV chip card acceptance has become retailers’ top payment issue in 2016, but retailers are...
Stored-Value Card Fraud—A House of Cards?

Stored-Value Card Fraud—A House of Cards?

Okay, I know that there is stored-value card fraud in the world. I have read most every survey on dishonesty that ever finds its...
information security policy, fraud with credit cards

UK Fraud Prevention Technology Puts the Block on Account Blocking

A new fraud detection technology using behavioral analytics to reduce the number of times debit and credit cards are being blocked by mistake, has...
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