Tag: Buy Online Pickup In-Store
Coming to a Store Near You? 10 Trends from 2019
From trending news stories, 2019 conference presentations, and interviews with industry thought leaders, a picture of the future becomes—if not clear—perhaps a little sharper in focus. Here are ten trends expected to impact retail and LP in the next few years.
Ask the Expert: BORIS, BOPIS, and Risk
Retailers who have offered “buy online, pickup in store” (BOPIS) and “buy online, return in store” (BORIS) are looking for ways to continue to improve their customer experience through better processes. Retailers who are just venturing into these waters are wise to learn about new best practices.
Back-to-School Shopping Survey Finds In-Store Purchases Will Outpace Online
A 2019 US Back-to-School Shopping Trends survey of more than 1,100 consumers revealed that an overwhelming majority of respondents will be doing their back-to-school shopping in store this year, with less than 2 percent of respondents stating that they plan to do all their back-to-school shopping online.
Retail Resurgence: 90 Percent of Gen Z Shoppers Have Made an In-Store Purchase Within...
Nearly 60 percent of 1,009 young people polled said they’ve visited a mall within the last week and almost 90 percent have made an...